04 January 2009

Masjid Omar Ali Sariffudin at night

On the 30th dec my fren bwa outing di BSB organised by Rose Photo Studio Photographer. Since ramai my other frenz join jua so why not, dapat jua gaining new lesson and experience. Thanx to HISFOTO sal sound rah ku about this outing. Sampai sja di sana i saw many other photographer yang more experience and hebat2.. Kerdil rasanya diri ini walaupun berat badan ku 112kg hehe... Our subject dat tym was taking SOAS Mosque at night. So these are few pic yang dapat ku ambil. For sure its not that good compare to others. Hopefully u guys dapat bg comment bout this pic.. By the way Happy New Year... (belated) hehe..


Revive photography said...

wow. nice pic. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Kalau ada aku dalam gambar2 atu bru tah 15 out of 10 tu rating nya... hehe